Senior Estonian psychiatrist, Buddhist philosophies, in Finland.
Dr. Petra Poolamets

I graduated from university in Estonia in medicine and then specialized in psychiatry. During specialization I also studied cognitive behavioral psychotherapy and family therapy basic training. I have worked in adult psychiatry in an outpatient network and in professional network with learning disabilities and behavioral problems adolescents during vocational training.

I have done trainings on treating clients with problematic behavior, behavior analysis, anxiety disorders, childrens social phobia, learining disabilities, treatment of psychoses with KKT methods and lectured on bipolar disorder, depression.

I am also a supervisor by training.

My main focus in treatment work is establishing a good cooperative relationship with the client and understanding the disorder, involving the family in the treatment process. My deep understanding is that every helper needs self- therapy to understand client.

To understand the basic nature of the mind, I have been interested in Buddhism. Meditation practices and yoga have helped in creating a daily inner balance and broadened the understanding of enormous potential for development.


Short introduction to Buddhist psychology or preparing myself for longer retreat.

Modern time often cause us to go on automatic pilot, continually multitasking and busying our lives with digital stimulation, information overload and schedules that stress our brains and overwhelm our lives. There are neural reasons why we should slow down, balance our brain and improve our connections with one another and with our self. And what better time to begin than now?

When we have developed our own inner purity, inner compassion and inner love, we can then see the reflection of this purity and loving-kindness in others. But if we have not contacted these qualities within ourselves, we will see everyone as ugly and limited. For whatever we see every day in outer reality is actually nothing more than a projection of our own inner reality. Perfections, that affect our inner purity and change the reality around us.