Massage therapist, clinical nutritionist, Sowa Rigpa practitioner
Anastasia Zhandalinova

Born in 1976 in Yakutia

1994-1999 studied psychology and biology at the Herzen State Pedagogical University in St. Petersburg and received a master's degree.

Since 2001, he has been practicing the methods of Tibetan Buddhism in the Karma Kagyu tradition

She has been studying Tibetan medicine since 2006

She has been living in Lithuania since 2007

Since 2010, he has been managing the Sorig Khang International branch in Lithuania

Since 2013, she has been teaching Tibetan massage and is a certified instructor in procedures in the tradition of Tibetan medicine.

Since 2016, she has been a member of the Lithuanian Association of Alternative Medicine (Sveikos Gyvensenos Rumus).

Anastasia has a diploma of a professional massage therapist, valid in the territory of the European Union.

Currently she works as a nutritionist and holistic health coach, studies clinical nutritionology, is in the process of obtaining a mini MBA degree as a health coach


The effect of hormonal intrauterine contraceptives on the balance of the three nyepas and methods of treating this problem.

1. Description of the study (relevance, hypothesis, methods, subject of the study)

2. Theoretical basis (Tibetan Medicine/Western Medicine)

3. Female menopause from the point of view of Tibetan medicine

4. Principles of working with unclean blood, cleansing the liver

5. Principles of working with painful menstruation, early menopause and anemia

6. The practical part

- clinical data

- diagnostics

- treatment methods

- description of clinical cases with removal of the hormonal spiral

- description of clinical cases without removal of the hormonal spiral

- remote survey of women using the spiral

- analysis of the results

7. Diet and lifestyle (nutrition protocols)

8. Procedures

9. Applications

- the study "Comparison of groups of contraceptive methods of the respondents of the city of Kaunas in the age group from 19 to 64 years with reference to the results of the survey"

- 2018 UNFPA Report: Early Pregnancy,Reproductive Health and HIV infection - questionnaire used for remote survey

- the principle of operation of the hormonal spiral

10. Gratitude

11. List of literature